Whether you've recently experienced tooth loss or are looking to replace older dentures, multiple teeth replacement options are available to restore your smile. The restorative dentistry field and available dental technology continue to develop new, more convenient, natural-looking options for replacing missing teeth. 

It can be hard to know what's right for you, from immediate dentures to implant-supported options. Reviewing the different types of dentures available and standard terminology can help you make an informed decision and restore your smile with confidence.

Same-Day Dentures

Also known as immediate dentures, or temporary dentures, this type of dental prosthetic is designed to be inserted immediately after teeth have been extracted. These are made to provide you with an immediate smile, and a way to eat while you heal. . 

An advantage of immediate dentures is that they do not require multiple visits to the dentist; instead, your full set of dentures can be placed all at once in one visit. However, it's essential to note that immediate dentures are not meant as final solution, but rather as a temporary denture until you are healed enough for your permanent hard reline. 

Immediate dentures can take some getting used to, but it's important to wear them to help your gums heal properly after a tooth extraction procedure. You probably won't be able to eat hard foods with the dentures, and after oral surgery, you may not want to chew very much anyway. 

You may also notice an increase in saliva as your mouth adjusts. However, the convenience of leaving your dentist's office with a restored smile is a satisfying experience, and your mouth will be prepared for the next steps in your restoration journey. 

Conventional Dentures

Conventional dentures, also known as traditional dentures or complete dentures, are the most affordable option to replace a full mouth of teeth. They're created by taking measurements and impressions of your mouth so that your dentist can create a custom fit that best suits your individual needs. This process usually takes several weeks and requires multiple visits before the final product is ready, however at Restore Dentures and Implants of Tulsa, you can have your new smile in as little as one day. 

While conventional dentures may take longer than immediate options, they provide a more natural feel and look than their immediate counterparts. The downside? Traditional dentures cannot be placed immediately following tooth extraction due to their custom-fit design.

Wearing conventional dentures is just like any other habit; it can take a few weeks or even months to begin to feel normal. Not only does your mouth have to adjust and continue to heal, but you may also have to adapt mentally. It's important to remember that everyone is different, and you've likely made an excellent decision for your health and self-confidence. 

Although it may take a while to adjust, if your dentures are continuously uncomfortable or if you feel pain, it's essential to contact your dentist for support. They may have advice to assist you or have you return to the office to address any issues you experience. 

Conventional dentures usually last 7-10 years. Over time, without dental implants, you'll experience bone atrophy which will require refitting and new dentures. Overall, removable dentures are easily maintained, non-invasive, and the most affordable dentures.

Snap-In Dentures

Also known as implant-supported dentures, snap-in dentures use a metal dental implant placed in your jawbone as an anchor for holding the prosthetic teeth securely in place. They appear and work much like natural teeth would, without the need for denture adhesive that's necessary with conventional dentures. 

While these types of dental prosthetics require more time and money upfront compared to other types of removable prosthetics, such as conventional or immediate ones, they also offer more stability and comfort. You'll enjoy easier chewing and speaking without worrying about slipping because the implants provide a secure attachment that doesn't rely on suction or adhesives alone for support. 

With snap-in dentures, you'll still need to remove them every night to clean and soak your dentures. Many people feel snap-on dentures give a more natural look and are healthier for your jaw. 

Partial Dentures

Partial dentures are an option when multiple teeth have been lost, but not all the teeth in a single arch. This type of prosthetic is designed to fill in the gap where teeth are missing and match the color and shape of your existing teeth. 

Partial dentures may be removable or fixed, depending on what works best for your particular case. Removable partial dentures are held in place using clasps or metal frameworks, while fixed options rely on dental crowns to remain secure.

Partial dentures can be a great denture option for the health of your jaw bone if you have remaining teeth that can be saved. At first, your partial dentures may feel bulky, but within a few weeks, you should be able to adjust to their feel and fit. 

Make the Best Choice to Restore Your Smile

Whether you're considering immediate dentures, conventional dentures or an implant-supported option, knowing which type of denture is best suited for your needs will help you restore your smile with confidence. You'll know you've made the best choice for your budget, desired aesthetic and expectations for longevity.

Plus, if you're looking for an even more permanent solution than any type of removable device offers, then full arch, All-On-Four dental implants may be an alternative option since they can last a lifetime. 

If you have any questions about how the different types of dentures or implants work or what might be best for you, contact the committed team at Restore Dentures and Implants in Tulsa. With a free consultation, we can guide you toward making an informed decision about which option might work best when it comes time to replace missing teeth and restore your smile.